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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dear Nürnburg,

You feel colder than Prague even though I know you're not. Must be the wind...but I have warm socks, a scarf, and waterproof shoes. Nothing can hurt me. :)

Tomorrow I go to the Black Forest. All the bears are probably hibernating so I can't play with one. On the upside... it's SNOWING! I caught snowflakes on my tongue. It is too cold to make snowmen.

Also, this trip will make my ass big; yesterday I had:
- 9:00am - Breakfast, two plates from breakfast buffet, omelette and breads cheeses vegetables, coffee two juices and cake.
- 11:00am - Brunch, big bowl of mushroom soup and warm wine
- 3:00pm - Dinner, An entire baked Brie with two slices of bread and salad, a whole trout and baked potate plus misc veggies
- 7:00pm - Apple strudel and two beers

Also some warm mead along the way. Walked for most of the day, covered a lot of ground in minus lord-knows what temperatures.


  1. Forget your Big Ass - You need much more calories in such low temperatures and you also move your ass more often than in Brisbane :o)

  2. Michał, pamiętaj, żeby przed wyjściem na jakieś wyprawy po lesie powiedzieć -na przykład komuś tam gdzie mieszkasz - dokąd idziesz i kiedy wracasz.
